Saturday, June 28, 2014

When I Think of Research…

 First of all I have to say this class was one of the most challenging classes I have taken thus far. However I believe this class has taught me how to look at data and information in a very different way, and applied it to make a positive difference. As a result I have learned that all information I read online may not be valid information or even beneficial to those within a research study. 

However my views of doing research has change in ways I cannot believe. Although I thought I was doing research in the beginning when doing my other courses, but through this class I have learned that I did not know the extent it really took to do real research for a project.

 Moreover through this class I learned that doing research within early childhood takes a lot of prior planning and that research also have to be design to accommodate all participants involved and ensuring that the overall research show respect to all participants and being respectful of their rights as well.    

In looking back on some of the challenges I encountered, I believe my biggest challenges was separating the research terms and understanding variables and how they play a part of the overall research findings. Therefore in meeting such challenges I had to review the information given for the course over, and over again. I also took the feedback given from the instructor and applied it and this also helped me have a better understanding of all the information for this course.

 As a result in taking this course I have a greater respect for effective research and how important it is to do proper assessments on young children, and accurate observation as well.

Also at this time I would like to thank all of my colleagues for their effective thinking skills, and sharing their research experiences, and information with us in the discussion. I would also like to thank you all for the positive feedback given as well.


Friday, June 6, 2014

Research Around the World
Some of the current topics I chose from the website of Early Childhood Australia: were;

  • Belonging means you can go in’: Children’s perspectives and experiences of membership of Kindergarten. Here they find that child want to belong and not just be accepted in kindergarten. 
  • From your perspective: Black preserve early childhood education students share their stories. Through this study it is hard to recruit teachers of color due to those able to get a degree see it more beneficial to select other jobs they feel are more important and worth their while than teaching.
  • Science learning affordances in preschool environments. Here this research was about understanding the benefits and importance of science in preschool. Also how it does not take much for young children to get involved with science in their environment through simple affordable ways. Such as taking a walk and experiencing nature.
  • The impact of new technologies on musical learning of Indigenous Australian children. Here it is a concern for new technology taking over the learning of music. “The increasing distance of musical development away from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, and to propose new methods for exploring how digital technologies may be utilized for promoting children’s musical development in various contexts. The findings are applied to early childhood practitioner recommendations for future community-led music research”


Some insights I gain from exploring this international early childhood website was that all of the topics that I took notice of were topics that we face in our country as early childhood professionals. Therefore this shared information helped me understand that no matter where early childhood professionals are in the world there will be related issues within the early childhood field.


It was also noteworthy in one of their additional links that focused on the quality perspective of play and mentioning that “The National Quality Standard reminds us that the physical environment plays a ‘critical role’ in contributing to children’s ‘wellbeing, happiness, creativity and developing independence; and determining the quality of children’s learning and experiences’ (ACECQA, 2013, p. 80).



Early Childhood Australia:

Quality Area 3: Physical environment NQS PLP. (n.d.). Retrieved from