Wednesday, February 12, 2014


"My Supports"

In thinking about the support I receive daily within my environment I would have to say the use of my car is very supportive within my life. In thinking about how I could have used all the many people in my life that are very supportive I decided to use my car instead because I feel I sometimes take having a car for granted, not realizing that having a car is very important to meeting my daily needs. Although it is a material thing it provides me with the support I need to do daily task. Through transportation I can go to work everyday and do the job I love as well as help provide for my family. I can even take my son to activities he have on certain days. Also by having means of transportation I can stop at the store and buy food to keep us healthy, and have a place to put it to help me transport it home without any difficulties.

Living in an area that do not supply bus transportation would be very difficult for me to get to work each day to provide for my family. Without having my own transportation I would have to emotionally, and physically rely on others to take me back and forward to work each day and other task that I may have to do daily through the use of a vehicle. However seeing that I do not have a lot of family members in the state I live in, and those that do live in my state live at least an hour away it would be very difficult to get the support I needed. Therefore if I no longer had transportation to commute back and forward each day I could no longer pay the bills it takes to run a home, and I could eventually loose my home by having no income to pay for all these things that I need to supply through the use of a car.


  1. Hi Edith,
    I completely agree with you. My car is a huge support in my life. It allows me to get to and from work everyday, which is my source of income. Without it, I would not be able to afford to live. It makes it easy to see my loved ones, who provide me with support emotionally. Like you, I often take my car for granted. You don't really realize how important it is in your life until you find yourself without it. There have been many times that I had to take my car in to get fixed and was without it for a few days. I had to rely on everyone else and I did not like that at all. Many people do not have access to cars so I am very thankful that a lot of cities provide public transportation!

  2. I think a car is a very important support that we have in our lives. I think sometimes we take advantage of some of our supports until something goes wrong. I think in general a car is a tool that we are use to using and don't think about it as a support to our lives. I know until you pointed it out I did not think of it. It truly is an important part of our lives that most people need.
