Saturday, September 21, 2013

Personal Childhood Web

My Father: My father was a strong man with a big heart. My dad worked long hours and never missed work. Although he worked all the time, he always found time for family on the weekends. We would go to the park as a family, play baseball and even though his knee bothered him, he would hit the ball far and have me or my twin run for him. Afterward we would go have ice-cream and I would always pick vanilla because I knew it was his favorite and this made him happy because someone liked vanilla like him. Of course we had plenty of other good times, but just the spending time with my dad or sitting on his lap always let me know he cared and I was loved.

My Mother: My mother was an only child, and she had nine children. My mom made me feel special every time she would say that even though she was an only child, she did want siblings. She would say but she have all us now and that makes up for being an only child. But like my father, my mother worked hard and never missed worked either. But even though she worked we kept a very clean home and we always sat down to an homemade meal at dinner time, every night. She would ask us about our day and always found time after everyone was in bed to read her Bible.

My Grandmother: As a child my grandmother own a small grocery store. I can remember the times when she would ask my parent's if we could spend the night to help her do some work early the next morning around the store. I remember waking up to a wonderful smell of bacon, eggs and coffee and my grandfather saying morning, morning, morning. But there was never really any work to do after that wonderful breakfast, only a trip to an amusement park. Even though my grandparent's were to old to get on the rides, I remember going around on a ride and seeing them smile up at us. This was a special time in my life and something I will never forget.

My Sister: My oldest sister was named Charlotte. To me she was beautiful. I always saw her as my second mom. Although my parents worked hard they never put the weight on the older siblings, they just seem to take on the responsibility. My sister would help me with my homework, combed my hair and had it looking real nice. I remember when school was out for the summer and she made sure we had done our chores, she would walk us to the library and show us how much fun would could have at the library with books. She was very intelligent.

My Twin: My twin name is Felix and we called him, Felix the cat growing up as children. He loved that name and still do. Growing up we were very close and I did everything for him. In school they split us up in the first grade because I would walk across the classroom write his name on his paper, or do his work then go sit down and finish mind. The teacher and principal told my parents that they watched this pattern for some time before deciding on what to do. Growing up although it was nothing wrong with him, he always depended on me and I guess I thought it was my job to do for him. So in other words, I was his second mom and this made me feel important I guess being the youngest of the nine siblings.

Although I had a lot of other supporting people in my life, these are the thought's that are with me at this time. Thinking of how my father and mother instilled a working value in me and to always have time for your children, family and friends. My grandparent's showed me that sharing quality time is important. My sister show me the value of having siblings, and my twin showed me it's okay to share yourself with others. All of which I value now.


  1. We hear about the research and the benefits of having family meals together and how it impacts student achievement and success. It is wonderful that though both of your parents worked hard they still made it a priority to have meals together. I grew up the same way. As a parent my children sat down to family meals too. This was time to share about our days and what is going on. It seems that many families today are unable to have this time together.

  2. It's wonderful you spend time together and that your mother told you that you were special. Every child needs to hear that. I admire that your mother always made time to read her bible. Sometimes it seems that there are not enough hours in the day, but she always had dinner for your family. That's something to be proud of.

  3. Edith,
    I have one sister and no brothers, and I think the world of her, she's the sweetest person n the world and we do everything together, go to church, vacations, and anything else that put us together as one. I wouldn't take anything or anybody for her.

  4. Edith,
    I have one sister and no brothers, and I think the world of her, she's the sweetest person n the world and we do everything together, go to church, vacations, and anything else that put us together as one. I wouldn't take anything or anybody for her.

  5. Edith,
    I have one sister and no brothers, and I think the world of her, she's the sweetest person n the world and we do everything together, go to church, vacations, and anything else that put us together as one. I wouldn't take anything or anybody for her.
