Saturday, September 28, 2013

Quotes For A Life Time


When times are tough and people are frustrated and angry hurting and uncertain, the politics of constant conflict may be good, but what is good politics does not necessarily work in the real world. What works in the real world is cooperation” (William J. Clinton).

"As we advocate for the practices we believe serve children best, it is particularly vital that we be clear in our own thinking and precise in our communication."(Susan Bredekamp)

"For children to benefit fully from play, teachers must take their own roles seriously. Early childhood educators cannot wander around classrooms operating on the vague assumption that children learn through play while, at the same time, lamenting the challenges to play coming from parents and administrators. Instead, teachers must recognize play as one of the key teaching and learning contexts in early childhood classroom, must acquire skills themselves in research-based effective teaching strategies such as scaffolding language to use during play, and must incorporate play along with other more directive teaching throughout the preschool day." (Susan Bredekamp).

There's more to life than just what's in their neighborhood. This is what it's all about, this is what drives me to do what I'm doing. What keep motivating me to want to work harder, to see just how much more innovation can we add to a program, and his passion come from wanting to make a difference and that he's not here to save the world but make a difference in the communities he work in”. (Raymond Hernandez MS Ed. Executive Director, School of Early Childhood Education for

University of Southern California).


  1. I enjoy reading the Bill Clinton Quotes that so true

  2. I am particularly found of the quote by Susan Bredekamp. Having a clear mind and clear communication is so important as we work with young children.

  3. I too enjoyed the quote from Raymond Hernandez. There is more to life than what's in our neighborhood.
