Sunday, September 14, 2014

Communication Skills, and Styles


First watching the TV show with no sound

First of all the TV show I watched was called, “Baby Daddy”. I watch it on Netflix so I could view it as much as I needed. I had never seen this show before therefore I had no presumptions about the TV show itself. However watching the show with the sound off I thought the three guys were maybe friends. Then when the baby appeared I thought it could have been one of the men’s. As the show continued a female appeared I assume that the baby could have been hers, therefore having had a relationship with one of the men.  When two of the men first entered the apartment the one man (#1) has his hands out as to say, this is my place come on in. The second man (#2) is shaking his head as to say the place is not so bad. However as this is occurring another man (#3) comes in carrying a large suitcase with a frown on his face as he throws it down and makes a gesture at man # 2. Nonetheless based on all three men after looking at the door as if someone was there, their expressions showed confusion and a look of surprise when man # 1 open the door and they saw a baby left at their door. One man even waving his hands as to say, it’s not mind. Then they looked at the door again in a happy way I think, thinking it was the mother of the baby. Then after answering the door man #1, and the women embraced and this made me think maybe she was the child’s mother. But when the women saw the baby she too looked surprised, and puzzled to see the baby but she still walks over, pauses and then picks up the baby, and comforts the baby. So at this point I do not know if the baby is hers or not.

Now, watching the show with the sound turned on.


 When watching the show with the sound turned on I assumed before that the men had some type of close relationship when watching the program with no sound. However the two of the men were brothers, and the third was a best friend. Man # 1 who shares the apartment with his best friend, man #3 was inviting his brother, man # 2, to move in with them for a while. Also the father of the baby was man # 1. The women that appeared at the door was a childhood friend of the two brothers, not the baby’s mother.


I do believe if this had been a show I watched more regularly I would have been more familiar with the program, and if watching the show on a regular basics I would have known what I was looking for in their non- verbal communication, and more familiar with the overall program itself.

Through this experience I learned that I was trying to read the characters lips to see what they were talking about when watching the TV show with the sound off. On the other hand after watching the TV show with the sound on, I saw I had misinterpreted many parts of the characters conversation. I also learned that through hand gestures, and facial expressions you cannot always know or tell what someone is thinking or saying. Therefore I think verbal communication is more easily understood than non-verbal communication. For that reason we have to be more aware of how we voice our opinions on a person’s body movements, gestures, and facial expressions through non-verbal communication.   

Finally the TV show looks pretty good and I plan to watch more episodes since this was the first one I ever saw which was the pilot, S1 E1, and they have three seasons of shows to watch. I can’t believe I missed what appears to be such a good show.



  1. Edith,
    It is amazing how we can misunderstand situation or misread expression by the nonverbal skills.

  2. Edith,
    At first this assignment was hard for me because I did not know what show to watch/observe. I understand how you were stating your show was going back and fourth. I can say this assignment has been very interesting..
