Friday, September 5, 2014

“Demonstrating Competent Communication”


The person who I feel that demonstrate competent communication would have to be my oldest brother. I feel my brother when communicating any type of information or just telling us something that happen to him or someone else he would always do it with confidence, and clear speech. He could hold our attention even if what he was saying took a long time to get to the ending. I also believe this skill in effective communication is what helped my brother be a successful salesman in selling cars. Also his appearance, and being well groomed made people want to listen to him. He also took time to listen to us and others without interrupting with his opinion. In addition he always made eye contact with whoever he was talking with giving them his undivided attention.


Therefore I would be honored in displaying the effective communicating skills as those of my brother. I believe a simple skill such as listening, but hard to do some times is one of the most effective skills in communicating. Listening make people understand that you care about what they are saying, and I also believe it allows for the other person to take note of listening to what you have to say as well.


But the one skill I find hard to do is to keep eye contact with the people I am talking with. However I have found myself developing this skill of making, and keeping eye contact through working with children, and their families. Also keeping myself mindful of this is what I should do when talking with children’s parents.   



  1. Learning to make eye contact with people can sometimes be a hard task. This has not always been easy for me, and after I developed those skills in myself, I realized it is not easy for many people. I have conducted many interviews and I can't recall a single person who I have hired that was not able to make good eye contact with me during the course of the interview.
    I recall a simple experience when I really came to learn that I did not make good eye contact with people. I had met someone for the first time and went to shake their hand, but the person did not let go of my hand. It was at that moment that I looked up at him. He was smiling brightly and he said to me, "I never let go until I have made eye contact with the person whose hand I am shaking." It was then that I realized I had gone to shake his hand without even looking at him. I have been determined to never make that mistake again, although I am not yet bold enough to do as he did if they do not make eye contact with me :)

  2. Hi Edith
    I believe many skills comes naturally for some while other must work on developing the same skills. Your brother seem to be a natural at communicating. I am sure he demonstrates other communicating skills in his sale position.
    I agree listening is a powerful skill that every effective communicator must possess.

  3. Edith,
    Great relationship you and your brother have. In due time, your communication via eye contact will come naturally when your comfort level is ready.

  4. Edith,
    It so wonderful that you have such a strong relationship with your bother and you look up to him. It is hard for me to keep eye contact and I work on this all the time. Keep up the good work and you will succeed.

  5. Hello Edith,
    I think that is wonderful that you have someone so closely related that you can learn from regarding effective communication skills. I do agree that eye contact is very hard to maintain for myself also. I can start off but I am really shy and I feel that this is something that builds trust with people when you look them directly in the eyes while communicating. Keep watching and learning from your brother and we can both work on the eye contact.

  6. Edith,
    I liked when you talked about your brother as being well groomed, and how this has a part in how people would gravitate towards him in order to have a conversation with him. Well I agree that being well groomed also gives you a boost in confidence when communicating and relating to others. When you feel good you do good, so yes that can definitely play a part in how we communicate with others.
