Saturday, October 25, 2014

A Word of Thanks

Dear colleagues,

I would like to first say that I have enjoyed all of your information and shared resources you have shared over the past eight weeks. I have come to know most of you on a more professional online level through us replying to each other’s discussions on the discussion board and, our blogs. I have also enjoyed the positive feedback that has helped me view others information in a positive way understanding that it is okay to agree to disagree while still working together toward a common goal with positive results.

Therefore as you all continue to pursue your professional, and personal goals I wish you all the best in everything you do in order that you may be able to help others in which ever professional field you choose.  

Thank you all

Edith Flinn


  1. Edith,

    I too have enjoyed both the discussion board and the blogs. What I appreciate about the blogs is that we have a chance to visit outside of our typical group. I also enjoy the blogs because they are a little more relaxed and fun. I wish you well in all of your goals!

  2. Edith
    Thank you for all your posts and comments that you provided the past weeks. Your post many time helped me to see issues from a different perspective. Through your sharing your experiences and wisdom I gain a deeper understanding. May many blessings be yours as we continue our educational journey. Thank You.

  3. Edith,
    Thank you for your personal and professional communication you demonstrated during these eight weeks. Best wishes on professional goals and journey with Walden University.
    Brittney Everett
