Saturday, October 11, 2014


One of the hardest groups to say good-bye to was doing the time of receiving my associate’s degree. Doing this time the age group within the classes that we attended consist of mixed ages of women and a few men. We all became very close understanding that some had just graduated from high school and some of us had changed our profession into the field of early childhood education. During this time we became very close by helping each other in different areas of learning. Furthermore, I never notice anyone looking down on each other as though they knew more or was superior over another. As a result we all had a clear understanding that we were there for the same thing and that was not just to receive our associate degree but to help those around us succeed as well. Therefore the adjourning stage was a sad time for most of us because some were going to different colleges to continue their education and I was relocating to another state. For this reason I could say that high-performing groups are the hardest to leave if there has been a positive bond made, which in our case it was.

As time came near the end we all thought about how we could say good-bye in a way that would not make us as sad when separating. So we decided to have something like a family reunion after our graduation ceremony. It was wonderful we all invited our families and a couple of our instructors even attended with their families. Here we could share memories and share our views of our future in what we planned on continuing with what we had learned thus far.

However in thinking of adjourning from my online colleagues and not being able to see them face-to-face I thought it would not be difficult. Nonetheless I find that it will be just as hard as it was with my face-to-face colleagues. Therefore I feel when it is that time to adjourn I will be glad for our blog’s we have made. I feel I can directly contact each colleague and thank them personally for sharing in this wonderful experience while working on my master’s degree. For this reason alone I feel adjourning is an essential stage of teamwork because it shows others that their being a part of the group/team was appreciated, and valued.   



  1. Edith,
    I understand why adjourning maybe hard when such respect and connection has been develop such as evident in the group you worked with while attaining your associate’s degree. It seems your group developed all the elements for an effective group. It is a great accomplishment for all, when a group has such a bond. I hope you guys are still in contact with each other. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  2. Wow, it sounds as though you really bonded with your colleagues! I haven't really had that experience in my secondary education. While I have earned several degrees, I actually haven't bothered to attend any of the graduation ceremonies because it just didn't feel important to me. I hope that you are still in touch with some of those people who impacted you so significantly!

  3. Edith,
    I would like to thank you for all your insightful experiences, blogs and post. It was a joy to have you with me in class. I wish you much success in the future. I would like to continue following you on your blog. God Bless and take care.

